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The BLUG equipment always adapts itself to each client's specific requirements. 46 years experience manufacturing Clamshell grabs, Orange peel grabs and Tongs assures our products' quality.
Sector. Please select the grab's application sector to reduce available materials from the list. If you prefer you can select directly the material from the list.
Technology. To be selected if your crane requires an specific grab working system.
Material. If you don't find the material to be handled please select the nearest one in terms of characteristics or fill ouroffer request form.
Density. The maximum density value for our standard product range is 3,5. This value refers to material's apparent density including hollows and pores when during handling and it is shown in tons per cubic metre.
Capacity type. You have to select the most appropriate search parameter for each project, specifying the grab's volume, loaded material or total weight for each cycle.
Capacity. Please enter the capacity value according to the choice made in previous list. It is not necessary to enter unities as the values will be defined in m3 or tons according to the type of capacity previously defined.