Blug Credeblug, s.l.
How to arrive from San Sebastián:

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Steps to arrive to Blug's site from Bilbao or from San Sebastian

Follow the next 2 steps to arrive to our site:

Descriptive picture in which it's explained the first step to arrive to Blug's site via San Sebastian. It describes the itinerary from the highway Zestoa-Zumaia where you should turn right and take the highway towards Azpeitia
2.- Coming from Zestoa-Zumaia (highway GI-631) turn right and take the highway towards Azpeitia
Descriptive picture in which it's explained the second and last step to arrive to Blug's site via San Sebastian. It explains that, once made the first step, you should take the first exit in the first roundabout you'll find. This is the entrance for trucks.
1.- In the following roundabout take the first exit to the right. This is the entrance for trucks. You have arrived to your destination!.